Adj/adv words modifying other adj/adv words: adj/adv → adj/adv + -li
Using adj/adv words to modifying other adj/adv words creates ambiguity:
dayo bala uma - big strong horse or greatly (very) strong horse
very: dayo → dayli → mul → dayoli or dayli
This change conforms with the adverbial use of -li described above.
as... as...: egal... kupul... → denli... kuli...
This change conforms with the adverbial use of -li described above.
there is/are: is → hay
The use of is for "there is/are" seems confusing and gives is too many meanings. The introduction of the root word hay adds clarity.
passive voice: be- → (optionally) be or be-
Separating the particle be- makes it easier to identify it. The prefix be- is still optional with verbs, but obligatory with noun and adjective compounds: belubiyen (loved one).
However, be- as a prefix might ultimately be easier to process, so this experimental change may be switched back to the original be- in all cases.
fe: optional fe in many instances → optional fe limited to correlatives, sentence initial expressions with -ya nouns, and certain common time phrases (ledyen, etc.)
Having too many different instances where fe is optional may become confusing and difficult to determine when fe must be applied and when it's optional.
infinitive: optional na → obligatory na
Optional na creates an unacceptable ambiguity.
Optional: Mi suki oko - I like the eye. vs I like to see.
Obligatory: Mi suki oko - I like the eye. Mi suki na oko - I like to see.
any/ever: he → he-
The separate word he creates some three-word correlatives which seem too disjointed:
he ban loka - anywhere vs. the updated heban loka - anywhere
other: alter → alo
Better consistency in the form of correlatives (see next point).
Addition of sama- as correlative
Sama as the opposite of alo, for symmetry in the correlatives.
-ible, -able: be-X-bil → be-X-bil or short form -bel
The affix structure be-X-bil is a bit long and cumbersome for being so common.
invisible: nobeokobil (invisible) → nookobel
Globasa updated its phonology in September, 2019 in order to introduce more recognizability to international words without making the phonology much more complicated.
The consonant -h is no longer allowed in word final position. The consonants allowed in word-final position are now the following nine: -f, -l, -m, -n, -r, -s, -w-, -x, -y.
Within a word, any and all single consonants are now allowed in syllable final position. The following root words have been adjusted as a result:
morning: sobah → soba
fox: rubah → ruba → rubahe
advice: nasih → nasiha
rest: istirah → istraha → rahatu
black: syah → syahe
cough: koh(hoh) → kof(kof)
magnet: mahneto → magneto
technology: tehno → tekno
sex: sexo → sekso
word: lexi → leksiko → leksi
galaxy: galaxi → galaksi
select, choose: seleci → seleksi → seleti
instructions: istruci → istruksi → istruksyon
action: aci → aksyon
function, work: funci → funsyon
Double Vowels Discarded: Double vowels were also discarded in the phonology.
achoo: acuu → acum
wolf: auu → haul
Avoiding artificial compromises: The following words were adjusted in order to avoid a compromise between languages that is too artificial.
tree: dreho → drevo
Arabic final vowel -u
dear: azize → azizu
lesson: darse → darsu
house: bayte → baytu
obedience: etate → etatu
romantic love: exke → exku
drown: garka → garaku
hour: sate → satu
fall: sokute → sokutu
thing: xeye → xeyu
Avoiding conflict: The following words were adjusted to avoid a conflict with another root word or phrase
gram: gram → gramo
enough, sufficient: kafi → kufi
room: kamer → kamar→ kamera
rabbit/hare: hargox → kargux
long: longo → lungo
machine: maxin → maxina
replacement, substitution: daytay → tayday
Increasing recognizability
theater: teatra → teatro
young: june → juni
virus: viru → virus
crisis: krisi → krisis
basket: baske → basketo
ticket: tike → tiketo
enjoyment, pleasure: furha → furaha
date: tarhe → tarihe
fantasy: fantas → fantasi
window: janel → janela
Clipped Roots
reputation: reputasyon → reputa
Greater ease in pronounciation
culture: kultur → kultura (kulturali)
nature: natur → natura (naturali)
long/short → short
car: (awto)mobil → mobil
bus: (awto)bus → bus
hard, rigid, stiff: xahte → sakate
Different Root Word
color: rangi → kolor (-lor)
gray: gris → hwese
coast: sahil → kosta
search, look for: xunjaw → xerca
accept: aceta → swikara
interpret: interpreta → tafasir
Greater Mandarin representation in the UDHR
The following words were not in the original dictionary but were added in the process of translating the UDHR. The root words were changed according to the new Methodology for Word Selection for greater international balance by giving Mandarin a greater representation.
commerce: komerci → xangyo
widow: vidwe → gwafu
vote: voto → tupyo
compensation/compensate: kompensa → bocan
Dropped root word in favor of affixed word
street, road: kuca → dolo
highway, freeway: dolo → daydolo
Dropped affixed word in favor of root word
school: xwexidom, alimdom → eskol
Narrowing down meaning with addition of root word
know: jixi → jixi, kone
Addition of vowels or elimination of codas
abyas → abyasa (rehearse, practice)
amir → amiru (command)
amus → amusa (amuse)
anxos → ansyoso (anxious)
bahar → bahari (sea)
banan → banana (banana)
bander → bandera (flag)
botel → botela (bottle)
brun → bruno (brown)
byer → bira (beer)
darje → daraje (degree)
deklar → deklara (declare, declaration)
din → dini (religion)
disen → diseno (design)
dyen → dina (day)
ekonom → ekonomi (economy)
enfas → enfasis (emphasis)
eskas → eskaso (scarce, scarcely, barely)
esker → esketi (skirt)
especif → especifi (especific)
estar → estare (star)
estil → estilo (style)
estrober → estroberi (strawberry)
exklus → exklusi (exclude)
figur → figura (form, figure)
flex → fleksi (bend)
garbi → garabi (west)
haruf → harufi (letter of alphabet)
hatar → hatari (danger)
hazun → hazuni (sad)
hikay → hikaye (story)
hukim → hukimu (judge, judgment)
inklus → inklusi (include)
ix → ixu (adult)
jabre → jabare (jaw)
jayza → jayeza (prize, reward)
jyani → jeni (suggest)
kalam → kalamu (pen)
kamar → kamera (room)
kamis → kamisa (shirt)
katin → katina (difficult)
kijaw → kijawi (green)
klas → klase (class, category)
komentar → komenta (comment)
kompar → kompara (compare)
korban → korbani (victim)
mader → maderi (matter)
mahar → mahara (skill)
makal → makale (article in publication)
malki → milaki (property)
masal → masele (issue, matter, affair)
maxor → maxori (most)
medis → medici (medicate, medicine)
mekan → mekani (mechanism)
minor → minori (the minority of)
mixtur → mixtura (mix)
mosim → mosimu (season)
mwes → mesi (month)
nervos → nervoso (nervous)
nigal → nigalu (swallow)
ofis → ofisi (office)
ordinar → ordinari (ordinary)
palas → palasi (palace)
plas → plasi (put, place)
poem → poema (poem)
polis → polisi (police)
precis → preciso (precise, exact)
prefer → preferi (prefer)
produs → produti (product)
proces → proceso (process)
purpur → purpuro (purple)
razon → rasona (reason)
regul → regula (rule)
reklam → reklama (advertisement)
sebul → cebula (onion)
sigar → sigaro (cigar)
simul → simula (simulate)
sukar → sukeri (sugar)
swikar → swikara (accept)
talju → taluji (snow)
umum → umumi (general)
utar → utara (north)
vyayam → vyayama (exercise)
xekay → xekaye (complain)
doy → dua
tin → tiga
car → care
lim → lima
sis → sisa
sef → sabe
walo → oco
naw → nue
(Ordinal numbers with the suffix -yum.)
Greater Japanese Influence in East-Asian Words (simpler phonology/pronunciation).
celyan → calyo (vehicle)
consan → cosan (praise)
jifan → cibo (fat)
jontay → jotay (state, condition)
yanxin → yoxin (conscience)
xanho → soho (reciprocal, each other)
xangyo → xogyo (commerce)
ji... ji... → iji.... ji
or... or... → oro... or
nor... nor... → noro... nor
kam... kam... → kama... kam
The preposition fe optional only in expressions of time
Semantic Adjustments:
Sentence initial expressions:
Infinitive phrases used after prepositions
Adverbs of degree and manner: -li → -mo
go → go-
Free word order for hay sentences
The use of su as a genitive (possessive) particle for all nouns
The copula is only for linking subject with noun phrase, infinitive phrase or clause
Prepositional Verbs: Prepositions turned into verbs using -ya instead of using a copula
The word feya as an optional copula used for linking subject to prepositional phrase
Obligatory direct object marker el with relative pronouns
denmo... kumo... → (denmo...) kumo...
denkwanti... kumo... → (denkwanti...) kukwanti...
dennumer... kumo... → (dennumer...) kunumer...
Omission of le and xa within clause rather than within sentence
abilli (possible/maybe) → bilpul → bilbil
maxbil (probable, probably) → meypul → meymey
maximbil (most likely) → daymeypul → daymeymey
rili (again) → riri
Conflict with double letters:
Verb Transitivity
Adjusted from intransitive to transitive: harka, esto, atex, evolu (develop), rota, gulun
bilbil → bilpul
meymey → daybilpul
daymeymey → maxim daybilpul
riri → ripul
yur- → ami-
termo- → termoli
garme → termopul
bardi → bardipul
-kras → -krasi
krasi → krasia
-graf → -grafi
grafi → grafia
fobi → hawfu, -fobi/fobia
ologi → logia
leksi → lexi
taslim → taslum
narko → dava
loga → loga (say), pala (speak)
-bel → -ble
Zero copula predicative prepositional phrases
Numerical system for days of the week replaced by astronomical system
Two-consonant codas in proper nouns
Preservation of SVO word order in all clauses by replacing relative pronouns (kute/kuto) with particle hu as relative clause marker and introducing interrogative clauses with ki and using ku-
Addition of metric numerals/prefixes
Copula is as predicate marker for phrases other than verb phrases
Hu as descriptor clause marker
Revised "Omission of Verb Particles"
Caveat 3 of a posteriori final vowels
Verbs to avoid beginning with le-, xa-, nun-, ger- and du-
Caveat 3 final vowels added; Arabic noun/verbs
Noun-noun compounds and elimination of most truncated affixes:
Epenthetic vowel for East Asian words: -o → -u
mosimu → mosem
medici → medis
-mey/meylu → fil/filya
new-/newe → neo
gal- → mal-
law-/lawo → lao
dawo → dao
daw- → pas- (pasa)
-tor → tora
-ble, bilpul → ible
wole → vole
har → har, yon
nere → ner
xaner, lener, xatel, letel → nerxali, nerleli, telixali, telileli
xadin, ledin → jaxadin, jaledin
is → sen
presen → presenti
awsen → awsenti
polo → kutubu
tahmini (evaluate, estimate) → tatmini (evaluate, assess, appraise, critique)
dongi → dongwi
bloku → bloki
klike → kliku
nete → neto
mamari → mamo
kox → hox
vagon → wagon
centra → centro
tayday → tayti
inklusi, exklusi → inkludi, exkludi
malaki → milki
dacu → daju
English er, ir and ur rendered er, ir and ur in Globasa, with ar as backup: esketi → eskirti
Addition of -ete/-oto to Table of Correlatives
Optional hyphenation for compound words
One set of question words rather than two
Obligatory resumptive correlative adverb
Phonotactic rules for culture-specific words
Simpler rule for optional omission of copula in informal language
jul → nenton
wal → nenhar
xuji (finger) → dari (digit, finger/toe), xuji (finger)
guje (break, fracture) → kasiru (break), guje (fracture)
sampo (walk) → anda (walk), sampo (stroll)
tofa (hair) → belo (hair, fur), tofa (head hair)
Papwa Neogine → Papwa Neogini
Lesoto → Lesutu
Kaboverde → Kabuverdi
Kupros → Kipros
-fon (instrument for speech sounds, suffix truncated from fono) → fon (audio instrument; not truncated, root word)
problem → problema
sistem → sistema
enzim → enzima
jazu → jaz → jazu
rapu → rap → rapu
bufet → bufeti
jip → jipu
estresu → estres
walu → wala
waw → wao
esfero → esfer
ansyoso → ansya
nendu → nentu
reyhan → rehani
kamera → kamer
kabineto → almari
jingu → jingo
dodu → doduku
fuza → fukuza
kayvu → kayvutu
kwayho → kweho
Law → Lawi
katus → kakutus
yamdukan → yamdom → restoran
ofata → mamba
censur → censora
tramway → tramu
Hindi → Hindi/Hindu
sakate → sahte
kulube → kolube